Welcome to the class blog for FILM 301/319 American Film 1967-1980 at UWM. This will be the official forum within which you can participate in official (and unofficial) discussions about the provocative films that we will screen in class and the readings in David Cook's Lost Illusions. This site will also serve as the "gallery space" in which you will eventually display your final creative projects.
Every week I will post a reading/screening question to which you will be required to post at least one response before the following week's class. (The requirements for what this response/discussion should consist of is detailed in the class syllabus.) After this initial posting, you are free to post and participate in the weekly discussion as often as you would like.
In order to receive the credit that you deserve, please make sure that you clearly identify yourself by name every time you post.
I am looking forward to a fantastic and rewarding semester!