I apologize for the confusion about the due date for the final project. I have decided to extend the deadline in order to help out those who need extra time. (If you still want to submit your project in class, next Wednesday, the 5th, please feel free.)
Here is the schedule for the remainder of the semester:
Wednesday, December 5: Class discussion of Annie Hall and screening of Raging Bull
Monday, December 10: Final Projects due by 5 PM. See below for specifications regarding where you should submit your project:
- Written component (Everyone) : E-mail (as a Microsoft Word attachment) to your TA (Defne: dtuzun@uwm.edu/Andrea: andreamaio@earthlink.net) by 5pm. Those submitting written projects should have their images embedded in the body of the document.
- Visual Project, with still images: Save as .jpg files, and burn on to a DVD or CD. Submit in person to Prof. Schreiber in her office (Mitchell B55A) between 3 and 5 pm or by 5 pm to your TA's mailbox in the Film Department Office (Mitchell B70).
- Visual Project, with moving images: Save as a Quick Time movie file, and burn onto a DVD (follow still images submission protocol listed above).
Wednesday, December 12: Presentation of final projects (off of course blog).